I think 4A and 5A are the only clues I actually understand here
Connor D 2:44 · 5 giorni fa
1A: Joeys are young kangaroos, so they're small jumpers. I don't get the wordplay either.
1D: That's just a straight clue. A jury has twelve jurors, so tread carefully if you've got something to hide, or one of that dozen will get you.
2D: "epsom" is hidden within "keep some". There are also two definitions - it's a salt, and it's used to make mixtures (solutions).
3D: A knight is a "sir" and "en" is a common other language word for "an" (not certain that's what the setter had in mind, but it worked for me). A siren is a mythological alluring creature.
Hello both. Not sure I support clue reveals in comments (for the sake of other players) but appreciate there's no 'explainer' function (such as there is on Minute Cryptic) nor a way to direct message. That said, I'll add to Connor's observations on 1A and 3D:
1A - oddly easy directs you to take the odd letters - 1 and 3 - which are e and s, then 'knit' those together (ie form an anagram) with another word for delight - which is joy, giving you joeys, baby kangaroos
3D - Correct, sir is another word for knight, and 'points' in the clue refers to compass points - in this case East and North for the remaining letters
I'm developing my skill as a clue setter so I hope you stick with me as I publish more
Have you tried doing Minute Cryptic? It's really helped me decipher cryptic clues and is good fun!
ricvic 22:03 · 5 giorni fa
Enjoyed this, it was tough and I had to reveal 2D. Got 1A but wasn't sure why, so thanks for the explanation. I've just published my first puzzle too, feel free to take a look.