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Mini Cryptic 2

· Di dilly · Pubblicato 2024-06-08T18:43:11.706Z

Constructor's Note
Second mini cryptic, feedback welcome!
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  • dilly costruttore · 2024-06-08T18:49:18.169Z
    4A: SL[I]VER
    5A: SCARRED - R
    6A: inscRUTable + AGO inside
    1D: ALT - T + ICI + A
    2D: (ROVE)* + DO
    3D: (DIRECT)*
    • Aaron Riccio 🤓2:58 · 2024-06-08T19:30:18.127Z
      This grid shape seems familiar ;)
      1D: I like the wordplay (and the use of "Keys" with Alt Delete T), but as far as I know, Alt + Delete + T isn't really a thing (in the sense that CTRL + ALT + DEL would be). I think there's a better surface possible here.
      2D: [Tumult] for DO, as in like an affair or a party? That's a toughie for me, but I will say that I actually like the idea of a sentence that's just synonyms. 3D: Very nice. [Flight] had me completely fooled.
      4A: Another nice bit of wordplay, pairing [Second place] with [silver].
      5A: I like this. A test solver once told me that they thought [Republican leaves] would be indicating to remove every R from the fodder; I think it's pretty clear from the surface that only one exits, and there's no ambiguity here about which one.
      6A: One half of the great Rackenfracker duo once explained to me the importance of a precise indicator. If [heart] doesn't mean "the central letter(s)" but instead means any central part of a clue, then [inscrutable heart] could be read as U, RUT, CRUTA, SCRUTAB, or NSCRUTABL. Now granted this is a six-letter clue, so that narrows down the options, but I'd still try to be more precise.
      • dilly costruttore · 2024-06-08T23:57:55.111Z
        Thanks for the feedback again! I spent a bit of time trying a to get something with “in a rut” to work for 6A, but thought it was a bit sloppy with the “a” disrupting the wordplay. But I agree that it’s a bit imprecise. And yeah, I think “tumult” could have been another word. Thanks for solving!
      Alt Delete T: here in the French area, these are New York's Keys (6)
      1. 4A
        Second place comes later for silver piece (6)
      2. 5A
        Deeply affected Republican leaves shaking (6)
      3. 6A
        Stew's inscrutable heart holds back (6)
      1. 1D
        Alt Delete T: here in the French area, these are New York's Keys (6)
      2. 2D
        Rove, run amok, tumult, go too far (6)
      3. 3D
        Believe in direct flight (6)