The meta answer is SURPRISE (Hint #1: Find an 8-letter word. More on hint #2 later.)
Yes, this had 2 hints--and hint #2 was key to solving hint #1.
3 answers spelled out "ASK BY EMAIL TO GET THE SECOND HINT." You had to ask me for hint #2 by using my email address, which was listed after hint #1 with no explanation. (I also added a version of the email to the meta tags for extra fun, though not sure that mattered. Moving on!)
Those who asked me via email got a link to a Cameo video containing hint #2.
( is an app/website for requesting personalized celebrity messages.)
Playing off of the puzzle's title, "Special Guest Star," the video "starred" actor John de Lancie, who played the role of Q on "Star Trek: The Next Generation." (Watch the Cameo video at
Why him? The puzzle has exactly 4 Qs. In the video, he says hint #2:
"IQ, two Q, three Q, four: what lies below and before?"
Per hint #2, you were to find the letters below and before the puzzle's Qs, which spell SURPRISE--which is both the meta answer and what a special guest star in a cameo role often is. (MANY thanks to Mr. de Lancie!)
Glad you liked it! A relatively easy meta, I think--I had the idea for the gimmick I use for the 2nd hint and thought, "No way this guy will go for it." He actually said it wrong, but in a way that still worked. Can you guess maybe what he was supposed to have said?
This was originally the kickoff to a six-part year-long meta contest I did for my hometown's arts-and-entertainment magazine, and I wanted to kick it off with a bang. So glad it worked out. Thanks again!
rjy 🤓15:50 · 2024-12-02T14:18:35.357Z
I’m assuming 1 (one) Q, rather than IQ?
Meg 5s · 2024-12-02T13:39:22.934Z
OMG! He's the guy who plays Q! Well done! I checked before, after, above and below, but I was looking at QU. That was a fun solve! Somewhere on the forum is the cameo by Ted Lange, who plays Isaac on the Love Boat. Muggles have a close relationship with Isaac. Anyway, thanks for a great puzzle!