SECOND and SECONDS are also much overused words in crossword clues. Usually, SECOND = either S or MO and SECONDS = SS, MOS, or perhaps SMO, MOS, MOMO etc, but compilers also like to use SECOND and SECONDS as the basis of wordplay in all their myriad meanings - A BRIEF PERIOD OF TIME and PLACED BETWEEN FIRST AND THIRD, of course, but also SUPPORT (as in "I SECOND that motion"), ASSISTANT (especially in a duel), REQUISITION or TRANSFER (as in, "She's been seconded to the accounts department"), AN EXTRA HELPING, SLIGHTLY IMPERFECT GOODS etc If you enjoy my crosswords, please do check out the Cryptic Mystic's YouTube channel - a brilliant resource for beginner and developing cryptic crossworders, which has been kind enough to feature one of my puzzles:
Really enjoyed this one! Sometimes I know the answer before fully understanding the clue, and then afterwards I try to reverse engineer the answer haha.
— and maybebeginner
but I'm honestly not sure!)