The answer to the meta is a 3-letter compass direction
Chris Barbee
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Questo è un concorso/meta puzzle. Per inviare la tua risposta, prima finisci di risolvere la griglia (o rivelala se rimani bloccato o risolvi offline).
Geography is not my best category, but today I learned that in Google Maps, you can keep adding cities. I strung together these six and was looking at a sort of straight line.
Interesting- not sure if that was the intended puzzle, but I arrived at WSW because there are two groups of 3 airports on the grid- and they're vaguely located at 2 and 8, which when connected, correspond to WSW.
Missed MCI (even though I've been there many times) and DEN (even though it's my home airport ) the first time through, so tried SSW first (I'm not very good at the differences between these 3 letter ones ). But really missing those doesn't change the direction, so no excuse. Thanks :)
MatthewL 🤓6:47 · 5 mesi fa
That was fun. Have been in all of those airports except for Indianapolis. Thanks for the puzzle, Chris!
kymike 3s · 5 mesi fa
I was an early test solver for this puzzle. The only things remaining from the test solve were the airport codes in the same locations. Everything else seems to have changed, even grid design. Nice one Chris!
Well I got there, but I am not sure if I did it the right way. I simply chose the final city (San DIego) and looked at where it was on a map then took a compass rose and San Diego was WSW...was that the intended method? Matters not, any old airport in a storm!!!
I gotta say I went through some real gymnastics trying to get to three letters from the six airports, I tried the letters where they "touched" the downs but ATYSEPOSLADKINTRA I believe is somewhere in Asia, tried the teams from those places (didn't work well since Orlando doesn't have a team, what kind of Mickey Mouse town is that), I tried the cities, states - nada. so I defaulted to the directional thing. Gave me a Sunday workout.
It's a "SSS" puzzle, so meant it to be easy Doc! Nothing more than noting where the airport codes referenced and sighting a line from the first to the last, roughly through the others. Sorry for the extra work!
I just got the last nudge - W e S aw W heeling. I have to admit, given the flight paths, I was wondering how you managed to see Wheeling but it makes sense now. At one point in my "What is Chris doing" yesterday I took the angle pointing SSE (from the IND - MCI - DEN leg of the trip) as my answer. I mean all the boy bands went through Orlando, why not one direction....