Hello solvers, and thanks for giving my puzzle a look. I hope you had fun and that it wasn't too tricky. Let me know how you got on in the comments below. In the meantime, here's the wash-up:
ACROSS. 1A. anag. USE.3A. live = BE + dance = BOP.6A. bury = INTER + publicity = PR + alien = ET.7A. Double def.8A. subtraction of nothing = O from Marx = HARPO.11A. dance = BALL + first letters of "Elton", "roughly" + anag. IAN.12A. temperature = T + disturbance = EDDY.13A. cryptic def.
DOWN. 1D. reversal of blades = FINS + loud = F.2D. anag. NET + went fishing = ANGLED.3D. anag. RIB + date = D.4D. pub = BAR + staff = BAR + anag. INA.5D9D. double def.10D. insertion of previously = EX in first letters of "shake", "your".11D. reversal of key = TAB.