Cool theme! But 8D is probably the biggest reason this puzzle is rated a double-black-diamond (especially considering the "out" clue and how the puzzle's theme is formed).
Jim23809 7:01 · più di un anno fa
JR 🤓5:24 · più di un anno fa
I liked the theme, and there was some really fun clueing (cluing?). Thanks!
supercruciverbalistic 🤓22:04 · più di un anno fa
fun theme
maia thunkies 18:32 · più di un anno fa
I liked it. There are some typos in the clues though, like 35A.
maia thunkies 18:32 · più di un anno fa
Some of the clues with attested variant spellings (58A and 43D) tripped me up too.
Carolyne Salt 🤓12:59 · più di un anno fa
Love the theme! Nice fill. 8D could do with better clueing, and there were a couple of typos and alternate spellings that could use attention. I enjoyed it!
Sendhil Revuluri 5:09 · più di un anno fa
Love the theme and many interesting entries, thank you!
Agree with the chorus on 8D's cluing, and FYI a lot of typos. Happy to flag one by one if you want to fix!