The other day I was waiting at a traffic light, watching the stream of cars passing in front of me. And every car was on the monochromatic spectrum from white to black, via various shades of gray. (I was sitting in a bright red Mazda 3, so I felt very conspicuous!) I just had to ask (misquoting the old Pete Seeger song) "Where have all the colours gone?" Well, perhaps you will find out in this puzzle. The answer to the meta is a 5-letter word. Answer & explanation:
Check out "The MOAT Mini Pack of Marching Bands" here: US$5 gets you 7 Marching Bands which, hard enough on their own, now contain metas too. And once again there's a mega-meta!
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Cindy Heisler 5s · 5 giorni fa
That was my first answer, but I was so sure you were looking for my other submissions! Never good to second guess oneself! Thanks, Ben!
As soon as I read the Myst clue I had an idea with the metanism would be. But it took me a while to get connect RED with CARDINAL. Still note sure of the order (not grid, not clue)
I'd like to think I would have seen it eventually. But I didn't so... we'll never know.
MatthewL 🤓7:48 · 5 giorni fa
That was quite fun. Got all the letters and saw the solution, but took me a while to see that they were in the order of ROY G. BIV. I'm assuming that CYAN encompasses all 3 of BIV? In any event, thanks for the puzzle, Ben!
I'm pretty sure I recall a Gaffney that did something with ROYGBIV, too.
HeadinHome 🤓1:20 · 4 giorni fa
saw the rainbow order (If you start at Red and go up to Orange at top, then circle around to the bottom and go up again for Y,G,B — and since rainbow is too many letters, I thought “prism” immediately. Came here to find out what the real method was. ( : Then it was fun to go colo(u)r hunting. Thanks, and hope the school outing was funner than it sounds! (I would love to do that with family and friends… with a bunch of 10th-years not so much maybe!)
It's going fine. (I have internet at my current camp-site.) Glad you enjoyed the puzzle!
KayW 🤓4:19 · 4 giorni fa
Very creative, Ben - thanks!! I was stuck for a long time because Google told me SPANISH ORANGE was a thing, and I initially had AMBER for yellow. Finally got my eyes adjusted.
I too thought of PRISM immediately, just because of the recurring FB (and elsewhere) joke: "Where do evil colors go? To Prism, but don't worry they get a light sentence while they reflect on what they did." Then I saw the colors and thought, OK maybe Ben is spelling something. When it was evident you were not I went with my gut. I am afraid I do not follow the "ordering" discussion because you start with ORANGE and of course that is not how prism (rainbow) starts. I did like the RBG in there though and the other colors referenced (RESIN, POPE, etc.) so I'll be interested to see the post-mortem.