I like the clues and found them very solvable! Congrats on the first puzz!
I personally have never made a cryptic, so I don't feel too confident giving tips (so please take them with a huge grain of salt), but from a solvers perspective:
1d I like the wordplay and see what you're going for but I am not sure "Ides of" is needed here
4a I am not sure Abode works as a definition for 'house in shambles'. (How I interpreted it) Perhaps 'House of photo editor in shambles?' (I think your clue works great for Adobe as the answer as well! Either as a double def 'Photo editors clay house', or anagram 'Photo editors house in shambles'.)
3d I wasn't sure what 'cosmos' meant here, I think 'Poetry found in risk-averse' on its own was clean and clear.
Once again I have never made a cryptic so you are way ahead of me there, and I may be way off in my interpretation. But good job on the clues and I hope to see more!
Thanks very much for your feedback! I will keep it noted for the future! 1d was def a bit self indulgent as I was still thinking about the Ides of March and trying to put in a little reference. For 4a I was aiming to reference both "adobe" and "abode" by using "in shambles" to clue the anagram. I'm glad 3d would have been solvable without the cosmos - I was trying to cover all my bases by referenicng verse as the end of "universe." Honestly it felt a bit clunky as I was making it. I'm really glad you enjoyed the puzzle though and I am super grateful for the feedback!!!