This is an end-of-year challenge for experienced meta solvers. The grid is difficult, some of the clues are difficult (but hopefully I've provided enough toe-holds - if not, there's always Google!), and, although it's always hard for the meta creator to judge, the meta mechanism is difficult. But if you've got some time to spare during this holiday season, dig in! Answer and explanation:
Check out "The MOAT Mini Pack of Marching Bands" here: US$5 gets you 7 Marching Bands which, hard enough on their own, now contain metas too. And once again there's a mega-meta!
Controllo se esistono file di gioco salvati...
Classifica (aggiornata ogni ora)
Laura M solved 2021-12-28T07:55:07.409Z
Cindy Heisler solved 2021-12-28T12:20:00.713Z
Mwoychick solved 2021-12-28T14:11:09.447Z
whimsy solved 2021-12-28T14:21:13.221Z
Capn Rick solved 2021-12-28T14:55:17.419Z
boharr solved 2021-12-28T15:34:45.527Z
I K Snamhcok solved 2021-12-28T15:42:46.767Z
LuckyGuest solved 2021-12-28T16:10:51.901Z
Cindy Weatherman solved 2021-12-28T17:03:26.146Z
Hammertime solved 2021-12-28T18:11:33.369Z
Meg solved 2021-12-28T18:35:45.451Z
Hector solved 2021-12-28T18:36:32.391Z
Bird Lives solved 2021-12-28T19:23:02.018Z
Dplass solved 2021-12-28T19:36:35.334Z
Bbaack solved 2021-12-28T19:42:34.883Z
Carolyn solved 2021-12-28T20:02:00.509Z
KayW solved 2021-12-28T21:08:31.304Z
woozy solved 2021-12-28T21:15:35.462Z
cwillmore solved 2021-12-29T05:10:22.973Z
DJB solved 2021-12-29T10:18:28.529Z
DrTom solved 2021-12-29T14:07:20.854Z
Dow Jones solved 2021-12-29T20:33:11.867Z
LB800 solved 2021-12-29T22:45:25.698Z
Jeremy Smith solved 2021-12-30T04:27:14.582Z
vandono solved 2021-12-31T06:12:45.332Z
Gutman solved 2022-01-01T19:50:32.319Z
Chaddog solved 2022-01-02T00:23:40.742Z
DIS solved 2022-01-24T01:48:37.525Z
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Laura M 🤓13:56 · 2021-12-28T08:03:53.889Z
Very enjoyable and clever! Parsing the 68A clue was the difficult part; once I understood that, there was clearly only one reasonable answer, and then it was easy enough to backsolve (sorry!).
Cindy Heisler 2s · 2021-12-28T12:21:31.272Z
Great start to a gloomy Tuesday morning. Fun puzzle, Ben. Thanks!!
whimsy 🤓30:09 · 2021-12-28T14:58:35.647Z
Like Laura, I employed a bit of backsolving. Even then, it was tricky to deduce the very precise mechanism for the answer!
Thanks, Ben!
boharr 5s · 2021-12-28T15:35:45.973Z
Solved without doing the puzzle but will now do so.