A classic, I’m sure. Though I’ll admit, I can’t hum it or recall any lyrics. “Born to Run”, yes. But that’s just me. I believe I was listening mainly to Curtis Mayfield and Marvin Gaye around that time!
:) An earlier version of the clue for TOLL was something like "Tax typically collected at a booth, say in New Jersey" but I figured that was a little too on the nose :)
Glad to hear that one can get there without knowing the song. That was definitely part of the plan. :)
whimsy 15:58 · più di un anno fa
While I, shamefully perhaps, haven't really followed current music since the early 70's, the brother who clued me in to metas also educated me on this musician. Thanks for a fun one, Alan!
The best part is that when I Googled the song, I realized he was singing the Ballad to Thunder Road by Robert Mitchum, not Bruce Springsteen's Thunder Road. That should tell you how old we are!!!
Very apPEALing. I was afraid I’d CRASH, but luckily I did not have any trouble on the SILK delivery, still I was hoping for some moonshine at the completion (let’s see how many boomers get that one!) Thanks Alan!
Hmm. I assumed I'd know it when I heard it. (Pop music is always background music so I never know the name of any of it or who performs it but I usually recognize it). But no.... I never heard of it nor ever heard it.