TWO-CLUE PUNS are easy, because you literally get TWO CLUES! Unlike SOUNDS LIKE clues, where the clue puns on two words that sound similar but are spelled differently, TWO-CLUE PUNS play on the meaning of two words which are spelled the same but have different meanings (they may, or may not, have the same pronunciation). The clue consists of : (a) Definition of the first meaning (b) Definition of the second meaning. For example: "Strange drink (3)" = RUM, "Intimidate a farm animal (3)" = COW, "Rip drop from the eye (4)" = TEAR, "Elevator gives you a boost (4)" = LIFT, "Woolly story (4)" = YARN, "Heavy metal is to be in front (4)" = LEAD, "Enjoying a book in Berkshire town (7)" = READING, etc.
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Thank you! They don't usually have an indicator, but they're sometimes phrased as a question (e.g. "Is this the French way to regret?") or have a "perhaps" thrown in there (e.g. "The woman to take to court, perhaps?") as a little hint that it's a pun, although this is more common with one-clue puns