The answer to the meta is a 'Best Musical' winner from before 1965
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danschwartz solved 2025-02-01T05:12:35.747Z
maxymax solved 2025-02-01T05:14:12.174Z
Alex Greenberg solved 2025-02-01T05:18:54.625Z
benchen71 solved 2025-02-01T05:50:31.565Z
DJB solved 2025-02-01T10:35:40.354Z
LarsCaine solved 2025-02-01T13:35:26.255Z
Cindy Heisler solved 2025-02-01T14:11:45.270Z
I K Snamhcok solved 2025-02-01T14:44:37.714Z
cohdane solved 2025-02-01T15:37:29.274Z
kurtalert solved 2025-02-01T17:05:17.354Z
KayW solved 2025-02-01T17:43:38.742Z
hoover solved 2025-02-01T18:28:59.772Z
Darth solved 2025-02-01T18:31:33.501Z
Abide solved 2025-02-01T19:19:48.233Z
Tim solved 2025-02-01T20:34:06.395Z
MatthewL solved 2025-02-01T20:44:43.882Z
smyers solved 2025-02-01T22:59:18.785Z
BarbaraK solved 2025-02-01T23:04:59.927Z
shalmanezer solved 2025-02-01T23:56:20.929Z
derekallen7 solved 2025-02-02T01:15:05.247Z
Pair O Ducks solved 2025-02-02T03:18:08.833Z
whimsy solved 2025-02-02T04:52:58.773Z
BrennerTJ solved 2025-02-02T05:00:24.617Z
rjy solved 2025-02-02T15:05:52.974Z
Hector solved 2025-02-02T16:11:30.343Z
sps dog lover solved 2025-02-02T16:54:07.585Z
DCBilly solved 2025-02-02T17:07:24.439Z
Schmeel solved 2025-02-02T17:50:20.659Z
LesY solved 2025-02-02T21:15:26.020Z
Mg305 solved 2025-02-03T10:12:50.683Z
DIS solved 2025-02-03T18:48:14.619Z
mateo solved 2025-02-04T00:27:41.478Z
Serafin solved 2025-02-04T00:38:57.355Z
bfast solved 2025-02-04T04:46:28.085Z
Alex W solved 2025-02-06T13:50:29.464Z
juice solved 2025-02-14T19:12:38.559Z
woozy solved 2025-02-16T02:42:57.942Z
Kristi solved 2025-02-20T22:04:07.583Z
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Alex Greenberg 11:24 · 2025-02-01T05:19:12.302Z
Nice meta, fun solve!
maxymax 🤓4:58 · 2025-02-01T05:14:30.760Z
Fun meta!
I K Snamhcok 2s · 2025-02-01T14:49:33.359Z
Fun! And I’ll admit, I was thinking “West Side Story”, because of “I just met a girl named Maria” (do I remember the lyric correctly?”). But then I thought, “DID ‘West Side Story’ win the Best Musical Tony?” Lost to “The Music Man” in 1958. Per Wikipedia, anyway. And then I saw the “Guys” and “Dolls” — duh!
cohdane 🤓6:39 · 2025-02-01T15:37:47.037Z
KayW 🤓3:26 · 2025-02-01T17:47:52.197Z
Excellent!! At first I was thinking MARIONette would be Marian the Librarian (and now have that ear worm firmly embedded, TYVM) Laughed out loud when I finally realized what was going on. Bravo! (and a fantastic musical)