Happy Memorial Day
Many meta ideas come from frustrating dead-ends encountered while solving other puzzles. This one was instead inspired by the title of another puzzle, namely
this one by Bird Lives. The similarities between the two end at the titles, so having solved that one won't spoil this. :)
Thanks to
Wendy Walker for test solving, and to
Abide both for test solving and wordsmithing a particularly significant clue. Thanks as always to Joe Ross for tech support.
I'm terrible at guessing difficulty, but I think this one is maybe middle-ish. Nudges Wednesday, solution on Sunday.
Hope you enjoy!
A small clarification about the structure of the puzzle: The puzzle provides explicit paths to both parts of the team name
Nudge 1: The title tells you to take one. One what? From where?
Nudge 2: There are seven clues with the word 'team' in them…
Nudge 3: And the 23D clue tells you that 'second place' is important
Nudge 4: OK, taking the second letter from each themer gets you half the team name. Where's the rest? What's left of the theme entries?
Nudge 5: Do any of those new words remind you of other clues?
Nudge 6: You need to look in a 'second place' to find matches for those new words.