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Cryptic 5x5 #35 by tuber

· Di tuber · Pubblicato 2024-10-17T08:25:35.591Z

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  • Account 🤓4:09 · 2024-10-17T08:41:32.868Z
    I thought this was a pangram at first! But still very nice! I especially loved 6A. It's a real masterpiece.
    • tuber costruttore · 2024-10-17T11:14:24.128Z
      A 5x5 pangram would be no mean feat! I had the idea for 1D (and wanted to do it while it was topical,) then the other letters just fell where they had to.
    • Womble 🤓2:14 · 2024-10-17T08:49:11.264Z
      Excellently constructed, as always!
      • tuber costruttore · 2024-10-17T08:36:54.940Z
        Hello solvers, and thanks for taking a punt at my cryptics. If you completed it, or if you enjoyed what you solved, go give me a thumbs up 👍 above, and let me know how you fared in the comments.
        ACROSS. 1A. Substitute I for A in "look out" = WATCH. 4A. Delete even letters in "heavy". 5A. "Unburdened" = RID after central letters of "faiLUres". 6A. "Tango" = T, "without" = WO. 7A. Half of "size" = ZE + "underwear" = BRA.
        DOWN. 1D. Insertion of "president, ultimately" = T in "VP candidate" = WALZ. 2D. anag. BROTH. 3D. Hidden in "marsHYDRAinage".
        • rjy 7:50 · 2024-10-17T18:01:19.120Z
          Very clever! Had to peek at a couple letters, but everything otherwise fell into place with some serious noodling... fun!
          Look out - one stands in for a student at Hogwarts? (5)
          1. 1A
            Look out - one stands in for a student at Hogwarts? (5)
          2. 4A
            Striking alternatives to heavy animal fodder (3)
          3. 5A
            Unburdened by failures, at core it's sensational (5)
          4. 6A
            Tango without this? Impossible! (3)
          5. 7A
            Half-size underwear that's stripy (5)
          1. 1D
            Steps taken by president ultimately impeached by VP candidate (5)
          2. 2D
            Pound of Scotch broth (5)
          3. 3D
            Marshy drainage ensnares monstrous beast (5)