I didn't know PONY (maybe I'm old?) so I was filling it in like "It can't be... Is it? .. No..."
Eric ☀️ 🤓4:44 · circa 4 anni fa
I'm a proud member of the DEER/FAWN mistake club :(
Log3overLog2 🤓4:42 · circa 4 anni fa
O noes I just realized that this puzzle is the transpose of the grid shown on the main page! That is, the grid here is the same as the grid for Jan 12, rather than flipping rows/columns.
Norah 🤓29s · quasi 4 anni fa
jb338 🤓6:35 · più di 3 anni fa
brucery 🤓53s · più di 3 anni fa
emily honey 3:38 · più di un anno fa
Anarky 25 12:38 · più di un anno fa
I wasn’t aware that a tiny beer bottle was called a PONY (cheated a bit by Googling). But it took me a lot of trials to get the feature of an Olympic Diver is ABS.