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1-2-3 Mini 5

◆◆ · Di dilly · Pubblicato 2024-06-16T11:11:09.396Z

Constructor's Note
Use the rebus function to enter 1, 2, or 3 letters per square. Inspired by Games Magazine classic puzzle "One, Two, Three". This one's a bit messy due to no symmetry and an unchecked square in the bottom left, but I think the fill is fun. Feedback appreciated, have fun!
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  • Sendhil Revuluri 5:45 · 2024-06-16T13:00:42.911Z
    Fun, thank you! This one was very challenging for me — I must have put in 6A at least five different ways — but I got there! Look forward to more. (And curious if you have any tips for construction!)
    • dilly costruttore · 2024-06-16T15:28:55.700Z
      Thanks for solving, I had a lot of fun making it. I don’t know that I have any specific tips for constructing. What I’ve been doing so far is coming up with a big entry that crosses the grid (6A), then splitting it into chunks that I think would be common in other words. Then I find a big crossing entry in the opposite direction (3D). I kinda happily stumbled into the 1A/2D combo, and then the rest kind came together from there. I use to find words/phrases with specific substrings, since Crosshare will only fill with one letter squares. (There’s also a RegEx dictionary website I’ve used for other things, I’m just a bit rusty with the syntax). Personally, I find them easier to construct than regular grids, especially if you are trying to avoid lots of Crosswordese. And they’re really fun to make, give it a shot!
    • nate 🤓5:58 · 2024-06-17T03:22:01.340Z
      Fun one, super satisfying when it all comes together!
      • Account 🤓7:02 · 2024-06-17T09:06:25.713Z
        Very nice! My only hiccup was 7D and especially 8A. The unchecked square sent me for a bit of a loop.
        • Selene St Satellite 9:57 · 2024-06-17T15:06:51.835Z
          Exactly my experience too, but I love this format!
          • dilly costruttore · 2024-06-17T16:26:53.930Z
            Yeah, the quote from 8A is one that has a weirdly large amount of currency in my own life, so I jumped at the chance to include it, but in retrospect it was probably ill-advised to put next to the unchecked square. Thank you both for the feedback 🙏🏻
        • SamuRai 15:34 · 2024-06-17T16:48:59.464Z
          A work of genius. My solve was rough in spots but I certainly enjoyed learning some things.
          One of eight
          1. 1A
            One of eight
          2. 6A
            "Say My Name" singers
          3. 7A
            It's neither here ________
          4. 8A
            "'______' wailed Legolas. 'A Balrog! A Balrog is come!'" - Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
          5. 9A
            Marine plant named for its long leaves
          6. 12A
            Tree in the birch family
          7. 13A
            Diner, e.g.
          1. 1D
            Some output of Horace
          2. 2D
            Google search for a beginning programmer, maybe
          3. 3D
            Roman author killed in the Vesuvius eruption (not to be confused with his Younger nephew)
          4. 4D
            "MC _______ that's my favorite MC" - "Weird Al" Yankovic, "White & Nerdy"
          5. 5D
            Notable feature of Albariño
          6. 7D
            Water spirit
          7. 10D
            Adjective for blue herons and white sharks
          8. 11D