Use the rebus function to enter 1, 2, or 3 letters per square. Inspired by Games Magazine classic puzzle "One, Two, Three". This one's a bit messy due to no symmetry and an unchecked square in the bottom left, but I think the fill is fun. Feedback appreciated, have fun!
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Fun, thank you! This one was very challenging for me — I must have put in 6A at least five different ways — but I got there! Look forward to more. (And curious if you have any tips for construction!)
Thanks for solving, I had a lot of fun making it. I don’t know that I have any specific tips for constructing. What I’ve been doing so far is coming up with a big entry that crosses the grid (6A), then splitting it into chunks that I think would be common in other words. Then I find a big crossing entry in the opposite direction (3D). I kinda happily stumbled into the 1A/2D combo, and then the rest kind came together from there. I use to find words/phrases with specific substrings, since Crosshare will only fill with one letter squares. (There’s also a RegEx dictionary website I’ve used for other things, I’m just a bit rusty with the syntax). Personally, I find them easier to construct than regular grids, especially if you are trying to avoid lots of Crosswordese. And they’re really fun to make, give it a shot!
Yeah, the quote from 8A is one that has a weirdly large amount of currency in my own life, so I jumped at the chance to include it, but in retrospect it was probably ill-advised to put next to the unchecked square. Thank you both for the feedback