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Chro’math’tic Portmanteaus & Puns (#8)

· Di John S · Pubblicato 2024-09-01T22:57:10.108Z

Meta Prompt
Can you do color math & figure out the anagrams? See Puzzle #1 blog post by clicking the colormath^ tag for a full explanation of the series.
This puzzle has 2 meta prompts. Guessing only one correctly will still result in a win, but see if you can get both by separating your answers with a comma & submitting them in order (i.e. solution to Meta 1 before Meta 2). Good luck!
Meta Prompt 1: Using only the circled letters, solve an anagram for the clue: Going all in at a Caesar’s Palace Hold’em Tournament, perhaps? (2 wds.)
Meta Prompt 2: Who might do 6D or 8D to you in middle school (1 wd.)
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Classifica (aggiornata ogni ora)

  • pufferfish solved 2024-09-01T23:22:44.972Z
  • sledge solved 2024-09-01T23:52:00.389Z
  • Ben Busche solved 2024-09-02T01:56:19.202Z
  • Jessica solved 2024-09-02T03:20:55.411Z
  • CrosswordsAreMyCopingMechanism solved 2024-09-02T04:08:54.697Z
  • hugpug solved 2024-09-02T04:33:54.921Z
  • 13sparx13 solved 2024-09-02T05:52:57.861Z
  • Womble solved 2024-09-02T15:22:38.433Z
  • kurtalert solved 2024-09-02T16:16:32.136Z
  • Echser solved 2024-09-02T17:51:52.283Z
  • Account solved 2024-09-04T14:41:22.666Z
  • Kent solved 2024-09-07T14:26:40.252Z


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  • pufferfish 🤓4:28 · 2024-09-01T23:23:04.094Z
    couldnt seem to get the first meta, as hard as i tried. wonderful puzzle, as always!
    • John S costruttore · 2024-09-02T00:22:40.960Z
      It was a tricky one, I was hoping people would pull out the word ‘Casino’ given the Caesar’s Palace reference, and then what’s left for the 2nd word only has one real possibility. But yes, definitely a trickier one
      • pufferfish 🤓4:28 · 2024-09-02T02:00:20.562Z
        ah, gotcha!
        • Womble 🤓2:41 · 2024-09-02T15:23:23.604Z
          I did this and it didn't work... Though I may have put a space after the comma, if that stops it being correct
          • John S costruttore · 2024-09-02T16:45:19.483Z
            You got both, I didn’t save the dual answer
      • Jessica 6:25 · 2024-09-02T03:22:24.864Z
        Good puzzle, thanks
        • kurtalert 🤓2:40 · 2024-09-02T16:18:20.477Z
          Hmm- what's meta 2? I tried "casino goad, bully" but it didn't work.
          • John S costruttore · 2024-09-02T16:45:09.277Z
            Ahh it didn’t save the dual answer! You def got both
          9A’s anagram; “__ _ little teapot..." (2 wds.)
          1. 6A
            Yellow + Red + “brief note, for long”
          2. 9A
            Prepare to fire, and anagram of 1D
          3. 10A
            With 5D, an anagram for a Japanese noodle variety
          4. 11A
            With 12D, an anagram for “La ____,” a Chinese noodle variety
          5. 14A
            Gender-neutral name, and anagram of 14D
          6. 16A
            Red + Brown + “1987 Comedy starring Cher & Nicolas Cage”
          1. 1D
            9A’s anagram; “__ _ little teapot..." (2 wds.)
          2. 2D
            With 15D, how a toddler might try to get your attention (2 wds.)
          3. 3D
            English 1 see 13D
          4. 4D
            Fragrant wood
          5. 5D
            Crocodile ___dee, and with 10A an anagram for a Japanese noodle variety
          6. 6D
            Injure badly
          7. 7D
            Chobani alternative
          8. 8D
          9. 12D
            Male, and with 11A an anagram for “La ____,” a Chinese noodle variety
          10. 13D
            Spanish 1 see 3D
          11. 14D
            14A’s anagram; school group for mom, dad, & staff (abbr.)
          12. 15D
            See 2D