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Mini V: Fa-mini Line

· Di jennya · Pubblicato 2024-03-31T15:04:07.288Z · Crosshare's Daily Mini for 4/17/2024

this one was inspired by a certain musician whose discography i've been listening to obsessively for the past week. but not clued as such so this is functionally a themeless but iykyk
also this one gave me CRAZY constructor's block i remade the grid like 5 times because i wasn't satisfied with it. and im still worried about it being crosswordese-y
credit for the 7A clue to my coworker who gave me an idea that made more sense than the one i originally had LOL
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  • denimduck 🤓28s · 2024-04-03T05:18:28.799Z
    musician reveal?
    • vampirebat costruttore · 2024-04-03T13:07:18.963Z
      6A 2D :)
    • vampirebat costruttore · 2024-04-10T23:57:33.185Z
      if you’re reading this stream found heaven for clear skin and good health ‼️‼️
      • heron 🤓28s · 2024-04-17T01:14:01.641Z
        ooh interesting surprise theme :P
        • SamuRai 🤓1:33 · 2024-04-17T01:28:09.875Z
          I’m so geeked my guess at 7A before opening the puzzle was correct. I think that crossword was most enjoyable, therefore it was most enjoyable.
          • vampirebat costruttore · 2024-04-17T21:14:21.261Z
            my original clue for that one was “what one might have after a hammurabian punishment” but my coworkers (who i send my minis to) were like. that makes no sense. it would be ONEEYE
          • ForeverJung 🤓1:04 · 2024-04-17T11:51:32.921Z
            Good challenge!
            • T-grizzle 🤓1:33 · 2024-04-17T12:56:37.858Z
              • kurtalert 🤓12s · 2024-04-17T19:07:26.819Z
                Nice one, thank you!
                • An Ephemeral Collation 🤓19s · 2024-04-28T19:04:31.987Z
                  Well done!
                  Dept. head
                  1. 1A
                    Dept. head
                  2. 4A
                    Like, LIKE like
                  3. 6A
                    “Sherlock Holmes” writer Arthur _____ Doyle
                  4. 7A
                    What the Cyclops Polyphemus had after meeting Odysseus
                  5. 8A
                    Ambulance employee: Abbr.
                  1. 1D
                    Impressionist painter Claude
                  2. 2D
                    Rainy sky color, in America
                  3. 3D
                    Philosopher Descartes who said "I think, therefore I am"
                  4. 4D
                    Teenage skin affliction
                  5. 5D
                    A terrible fate