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Before & After 40: Just Looking (meta)

· Di damefox · Pubblicato 2025-01-05T17:00:10.326Z

Meta Prompt
Two entries in this grid are not quite right. One of them is missing a word that should go after the word that appears in the grid, and the other one is missing the same word, but this time it should go before the word that appears in the grid. What's the missing word?
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Classifica (aggiornata ogni ora)

  • Kent D solved 2025-01-05T17:05:06.348Z
  • sledge solved 2025-01-05T17:06:14.025Z
  • AuLeaf solved 2025-01-05T17:11:56.004Z
  • Schmeel solved 2025-01-05T17:24:54.996Z
  • Jake A solved 2025-01-05T18:10:27.017Z
  • hazmat solved 2025-01-05T19:16:10.457Z
  • MBITPT solved 2025-01-05T20:44:46.285Z
  • Sendhil Revuluri solved 2025-01-05T21:08:51.346Z
  • nate solved 2025-01-05T21:16:53.636Z
  • sss solved 2025-01-05T21:51:56.691Z
  • Tyler Rich solved 2025-01-05T22:01:20.520Z
  • LarsCaine solved 2025-01-05T22:40:48.615Z
  • Paul S solved 2025-01-06T00:00:41.350Z
  • KayW solved 2025-01-06T00:06:18.669Z
  • Meg solved 2025-01-06T00:08:59.825Z
  • BrennerTJ solved 2025-01-06T01:05:55.979Z
  • THC solved 2025-01-06T01:10:16.036Z
  • Parker solved 2025-01-06T02:08:36.214Z
  • Maxish solved 2025-01-06T02:30:05.214Z
  • Daggerscar solved 2025-01-06T02:31:55.863Z
  • Tim solved 2025-01-06T02:45:21.025Z
  • john reed solved 2025-01-06T02:56:58.627Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2025-01-06T03:49:37.645Z
  • Jessica solved 2025-01-06T04:32:02.263Z
  • JR solved 2025-01-06T07:38:41.859Z
  • Jordan W solved 2025-01-06T13:14:38.642Z
  • Kent solved 2025-01-06T14:05:53.944Z
  • Chopsticks solved 2025-01-06T14:13:50.847Z
  • Hector solved 2025-01-06T14:34:07.802Z
  • A solved 2025-01-06T17:05:53.676Z
  • Mr Tex solved 2025-01-06T18:37:31.764Z
  • Adam Doctoroff solved 2025-01-06T19:47:31.471Z
  • Heb solved 2025-01-06T22:40:30.873Z
  • sjones8888 solved 2025-01-06T23:40:48.671Z
  • whimsy solved 2025-01-07T00:06:30.554Z
  • Puzzled in CNY solved 2025-01-07T00:42:22.286Z
  • Lobsterboys solved 2025-01-07T03:16:52.814Z
  • Miriam Nussbaum solved 2025-01-07T05:35:22.065Z
  • Dylan solved 2025-01-07T06:04:40.125Z
  • Jason Cathcart solved 2025-01-07T06:05:50.556Z
  • lisajay solved 2025-01-07T06:36:27.128Z
  • FrankieHeck solved 2025-01-07T14:45:58.197Z
  • apopple solved 2025-01-09T18:46:02.233Z
  • rjy solved 2025-01-11T06:49:43.397Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2025-01-12T18:05:27.375Z
  • Jim DeVona solved 2025-01-16T01:49:25.074Z
  • Grant Kennell solved 2025-01-16T11:29:02.032Z
  • j4andrews solved 2025-01-18T05:52:17.726Z
  • Puzzled solved 2025-01-22T13:20:22.119Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2025-01-25T01:57:57.262Z
  • kurtalert solved 2025-02-03T23:50:26.072Z
  • Darth solved 2025-02-25T00:14:52.991Z
  • Amy DiGiovanni solved 2025-03-20T21:21:46.298Z


Accedi con google per lasciare un tuo commento:

  • Jake A 🤓36s · 2025-01-05T18:10:52.741Z
    Huzzah! Always a treat.
    • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓17s · 2025-01-05T21:08:58.898Z
      Fun as always, thank you!
      • THC 🤓7:39 · 2025-01-06T01:10:55.968Z
        • Jessica 🤓48s · 2025-01-06T04:32:39.139Z
          Thanks for another fun before and after puzzle
          • Puzzled 🤓1:03 · 2025-01-22T13:21:41.908Z
            The before and after clues just clicked for me today. Thanks for another fun puzzle!
            Oolong or rooibos
            1. 1A
              Oolong or rooibos
            2. 4A
              Wander through the Garment District knowing you can't afford anything they sell there, for example
            3. 5A
              Carried, perhaps by the wind
            4. 6A
              Famous cookie maker
            5. 7A
              Tree in the genus Taxus
            1. 1D
              Yeet, less colloquially
            2. 2D
              Ages and ages
            3. 3D
              Certain primate
            4. 4D
              Not many, but not none
            5. 5D
              Feature of many a well-lit living room