I failed to find this village on the old-style map, and it was starting to damage my pride. / I was failing despite the letters and numbers that were found all along each side. / "Though they say it's in Column B, Row 2, the small village there I can't see! / Is it the index that's wrong, or am I just blind? Is it 2B or not 2B?"
  1. 1A
    I failed to find this village on the old-style map, and it was starting to damage my pride. / I was failing despite the letters and numbers that were found all along each side. / "Though they say it's in Column B, Row 2, the small village there I can't see! / Is it the index that's wrong, or am I just blind? Is it 2B or not 2B?"
  2. 5A
    It's a cousin of carbon; it's a valley of tech. / In Spanish, it's "Si!". (And it's that too in Czech!)
  3. 6A
    If you're "this", your mind has purpose -- you plan to have things just so. Or, if you're camping and the rain starts to fall, it's the place where you'd better go.
  1. 1D
    It's a diner-type dish: meat, potatoes, and onions -- something you may wish to devour. / In two parts, it describes words like "howling" and "hour" -- but not words like "owling" and "our".
  2. 2D
    "Swami Land" is a presenter / Of this Italian fashion center.
  3. 3D
    This word -- it has a host of meanings. She'll be up on stage, that's clear. / When old McDonald spells out his name, it's the first thing that you hear.
  4. 4D
    It's what "meter" is, "or "second", or "gram". It's oft symbolized by a letter. / Spoken aloud, it sounds like a command: "You sit down there and whip up a sweater!"
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