Hello again, solvers, and thanks for dropping by. I hope you enjoyed solving this silly thing, I'm afraid it's really not my most inspired effort. I've been away for a while too, so if you're new to my puzzles, go ahead and check out https://crosshare.org/tuber for more (they're, er, "similar, but smaller.")
More mini-cryptics on the way soon, I anticipate. Stay tuned! In the meantime, here's the wash-up...
ACROSS. 1A. "Short time" = MO in reversal of "vehicle" = TRAM.5A. Roughly = CA + anag. INAPT.9A. Cryptic def. ref St Peter.10A. Double def.11A. abbrev. Old Boy = OB + 'S + "kipper" = CURE.12A. Liberal = L + one = I + politician = MP.15A. Anag. GLEE + last letter of "theY".17A. Anag. ROYALDORM.19A. Cryptic def.22A. Reversal of "arrange" = POSE + A.24A. Homophone of "be familiar with one" = "know a".25A. "Unaware" = OBLIVIOUS subtract "lithium" = LI.28A. anag. SNAPPER WE.29A. Reversal of "the French" = LA + "writer" = PEN.30A. anag. ANEMPTY.31A. Even letters in "starteamtours".
DOWN. 2D. anag. RATESIT.3D. "Copper" = CU inserted into "slightly drunk" = MERRY.4D. "Submit" = TABLE + "dummy" = CLOT + first letter of "Hand".5D. Remove first letter of "swindle" = sCREW.6D. anag. UMPIRE + first letter of "Make".7D. anag. PAYOUTS.8D. Remove central letters from "NavigatE ReD".9D. "Illustrate" = PROVE + removal of "one" = I from "bones" = RIBS.13D. anag. ITSACARROT.14D. "Support" = PROP + "Windows, maybe" = OS + first letters of "Annoy Linus" = AL.16D. Homophone of "with no previous owner" = NEW.18D. Odd letters in "archer".20D. "Mob" = GANG + "custom" = WAY.21D. "Partner no longer" = EX + "sufficient" = AMPLE.22D. Insertion of "Victor" = V in A + "twist, perhaps" = DANCE.23D. Remove last letter of "exclusive" = SCOOP, containing anag. RIP.26D. Reversal of "knocks" = PANS.27D. First letter of "Sheep" + "grass" = POT.
Pretty good and fun! Some clues I enjoyed, found clever (25A, 5D, 15A, 22A); some left me stumped or unsatisfied (9D, 3D, ....). Looking forward to more!