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Mini Cryptic #16: “Plumbing issue”

· Di JWords · Pubblicato 2024-06-02T07:05:38.834Z

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  • JWords costruttore · 2024-06-02T07:05:38.834Z
    1A: (D[efectiv]E + CABLE)*
    5A: F[unk] + I’S + SURE
    6A: U[-n]TIL + I + [dar]E to take S/Z (one side in ShowbiZ)
    7A: SEATING*
    1D: (FEUDAL[-is]T)*
    2D: SUB< + KING
    3D: CA(UTI + [w]O[rkman])N
    4D: (S+REN[t]+EVE)<
    • kieranjboyd 🤓2:09 · 2024-06-02T10:57:44.253Z
      Nice! Love the Schrodinger of 6A 🇦🇺
      • JWords costruttore · 2024-06-02T11:18:22.518Z
        Gotta keep it international!
      • Aaron Riccio 🤓4:38 · 2024-06-02T15:18:32.560Z
        How do you get single-spaced line breaks?! Anyway:
        1A: Great surface and [could spell] is a great anagrind.
        5A: Wonderful use of a positional indicator for surface sense.
        6A: [November to leave] is neatly cooked into this surface. Didn't realize until solving why you chose [take a side]. Good!
        7A: Great anagram that adds to the surface sense.
        1D: My second favorite clue. [Surrendering is] is so natural.
        2D: My least favorite clue, though that's just comparative. I'm not sure I buy SUB for Subway. That's definitely something you can get at a Subway, but maybe usage has just changed here.
        3D: My favorite. [Plumbing issue] is dastardly! Everything works for the surface. Amazing!
        4D: A bit strained to make [flat] work in this surface sense, but nice cryptic play.
        • JWords costruttore · 2024-06-02T17:56:10.336Z
          Thanks for the comment and feedback!
          If you put two spaces on the end of a line before a single line break then you’ll get a regular break. Markup is a strange beast!
          I think your ranking of the clues is more or less the same as how I see them. As for 2D, Chambers defines SUB (noun, informal) as “a subway”, among many other things. So a word for an underpass in general, rather than the chain (franchise?) specifically. It wasn’t a usage I was familiar with either, perhaps I shouldn’t have blindly put my faith in the Big Red Book!
        • nate 🤓5:25 · 2024-06-02T20:57:52.290Z
          Nice one!
          • JWords costruttore · 2024-06-04T05:21:39.079Z
          • Kookoo 23:08 · 2024-06-03T21:29:55.280Z
            Lovely solve! I was looking for an example puzzle to solve to show a friend how cryptics work and this was perfect! I noticed the schrodinger; that was a very cute touch. Love the definition on groove as well.
            • JWords costruttore · 2024-06-04T05:25:02.674Z
              Thanks so much! I always worry about whether my puzzles end up unsolvable so that’s a really lovely thing to hear.
            • tuber 🤓3:19 · 2024-06-08T10:05:05.515Z
              Nice work. I don't love the fill on 4D and would probably have chosen EYELETS or something by preference, but that's just me. 3D I bashed in without understanding the wordplay, but it seems fair, fun, and nicely tricky.
              • JWords costruttore · 2024-06-08T12:14:17.596Z
                Thanks for the comment! Very fair point on the 4D fill. Originally I did have EYELETS in but was struggling to find an interesting way to clue it. I do agree that it would have yielded an overall better grid, so maybe I should have stuck with it.
              Casing of defective cable could spell disaster? (7)
              1. 1A
                Casing of defective cable could spell disaster? (7)
              2. 5A
                One’s certain to get behind intro to funk groove (7)
              3. 6A
                Make use of November to leave until I finally dare to take a side in showbiz (7)
              4. 7A
                Prepare seating for meals in Morocco (7)
              1. 1D
                Feudalist surrendering is waving standard (7)
              2. 2D
                After sticking up Subway, head honcho’s giving a show for coppers on the street? (7)
              3. 3D
                Warn of plumbing issue, with workman’s number two clogging toilet (7)
              4. 4D
                Those making flat put up small rent at 75% the night before (7)