1A: anag. HARPS inside S T A E D7A: SPRightlY without anag. light9A: American spelling of colour (COLOR) + ADO10A: anag. Yb ORE containing M11A: Initial letters: Only Being Just Even Cruel Tyrants Overlook Rallies12A: Alternate Letters: eT tU bRuTe LeE13A: BooZE UpS minus BOOP (as in Betty Boop)14A: anag. NAIL BOMB inside CE16A: anag. METH VESSEL19A: DIE (the in German) + D20A: MOT (car test) reversed and doubled: MOTMOT22A: Yet reversed (TEY) containing A PART23A: SI (units) + G + L containing NA24A: sCULpTURe losing first, middle and last letters + AL25A: Double def (good or bad eggs)26A: ABLY containing NORMAL
2D: anag. BLUETOOTH O RINGS3D: Sounds like wry utters4D: ACHE after anag. EARTH5D: Double def (someone who might be 'pro-gram')6D: D + WELT7D: Liberia loses first letter, replace with S8D: ROYAL + ALL containg anag. BREATH + L15D: anag. STALIN + LEaR without the a17D: MUTTS contains NA reversed18D: anag. anti-vac19D: Alternate letters DaRk As CrUeLlA21D: M + ATLAs without the s