Two entries in this grid are not quite right. One of them is missing a word that should go after the word that appears in the grid, and the other one is missing the same word, but this time it should go before the word that appears in the grid. What's the missing word?
If anyone typed in PLANE and was confused why that wasn't accepted: I did debate including that as an alternative answer, but while PAPER PLANE is definitely a thing, PLANE MODE is decidedly not. According to Wikipedia, other terms for AIRPLANE MODE are aeroplane, flight, offline, or standalone mode, but "plane mode" doesn't make the cut. English is weird.
Good one! And FWIW I agree with your ruling on PLANE. Easy for me to say because PLANE never occurred to me I guess haha. I had AIRPLANE long before I had the rest of the puzzle done :-)
rjy 🤓1:31 · 22 giorni fa
Oh, PAPER PLANE is definitely a thing! Gonna have to make one tonight now!
. Easy for me to say becausePLANE
never occurred to me I guess haha. I hadAIRPLANE
long before I had the rest of the puzzle done :-)