Meta puzzle and mechanism by Kelly McMahon. Crossword puzzle and clues by Philip Chow.
Hint #1: the meta answer is three letters long
Hint #2: please don't waste your food
Hint #3: 36-A and 69-A are hints as to what to do with the three courses and their respective ingredients
Hint #4: to make JELLO (the first course), combine JOIN + CELLO = JELLO... the leftover letters give you OIN + C which can be recycled to make COIN
Hint#5: if you employ the strategy in hint #4 to all three courses, you end up with the words COIN, COHERE, and WHERE
Hint#6: use the same trick from hint #4 on the three words from hint #5
I've been seeing this quote attributed to Carroll a lot lately. I wonder who came up with it.