Happy Sunday
No clue where this came from, as usual. :lol: Hopefully it should be simple enough to solve, even though you might have given up an hour's sleep last night (note: this has nothing to do with the time change, which I only realized was the same day just now when I began to write this up).
The meta answer is a two-word annoyance.
Nudges later today, solution on Saturday.
Hope you enjoy!
The 6 clues mentioned in the 41A clue are symmetric
The black squares are not involved, but the title should help you guess the word that can replace the 6 entries
If you have one of the answer words, you can probably guess the other one
One of the words is spelled out, the other is inferred
The 6 entries that can be replaced should give you the first word
The last one relies on some poker terminology (apologies to non poker fans)