*I thought this was his surname... but on double-checking myself, apparently 1D literally just means "Impaler" in Romanian. But since there's two whole Wikipedia lists of people with it as a surname, it evidently has become one since the 1400s. I think that counts. The more you know.
I only know it from the anime too. I wish it didn’t end.
kurtalert 🤓50s · circa 2 anni fa
nice, thanks!
Maxish 🤓1:12 · circa 2 anni fa
That little town of Yterrby has gobs of elements named after it: erbium, yttrium, ytterbium, terbium. A bunch more were discovered in the same region. Fun story... in the publication of the breakthrough discovery of the high-temperature superconductor YBCO, the researches deliberately mis-reported the formula as containing ytterbium throughout the peer-review process. At the last minute before publication, they emended their paper to the true formula, containing yttrium. Their work won the 1987 Nobel prize in physics.