A hard-skinned fruit. (The "water" type's so heavy, lifting might be a strain.) / Could it also be what Lon Chaney says on meeting Tarzan's Jane?
  1. 1A
    A hard-skinned fruit. (The "water" type's so heavy, lifting might be a strain.) / Could it also be what Lon Chaney says on meeting Tarzan's Jane?
  2. 4A
    An empire where they'd list my age with these four letters: LXIV. / It sounds a bit like "wanderin', coverin' ground aimlessly".
  3. 5A
    Fish and chard soup that you eat with a spoon, / Spicy egg salad garnished with prune, / A hefty ham sandwich and one macaroon -- / They all could be this, if the clock says it's noon.
  1. 1D
    Aesop's stories? They're each endowed / With this bit of wisdom. ("M" spoken out loud?)
  2. 2D
    This shares a lot with 1-Across. It's its anagram, for one thing. / And it too is a fruit, though one very tart. (Eating one raw's not a fun thing!)
  3. 3D
    At the bottom of this, the game's almost done -- unless the game's in a tie. / It's fluorine's position, and that of September, and that of the letter I.
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