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· Di KayW · Pubblicato 2023-03-11T18:05:05.869Z

Meta Prompt
Something out of this world
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Classifica (aggiornata ogni ora)

  • sledge solved 2023-03-11T18:12:47.533Z
  • boharr solved 2023-03-11T18:30:46.096Z
  • LesY solved 2023-03-11T18:39:42.967Z
  • markhr solved 2023-03-11T18:42:40.320Z
  • Mr Tex solved 2023-03-11T18:50:24.619Z
  • sss solved 2023-03-11T18:52:51.663Z
  • whimsy solved 2023-03-11T19:31:58.051Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2023-03-11T20:07:34.227Z
  • woozy solved 2023-03-11T21:50:54.125Z
  • Abide solved 2023-03-11T22:43:03.426Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2023-03-12T00:20:24.407Z
  • Laura M solved 2023-03-12T01:10:48.899Z
  • Hector solved 2023-03-12T02:21:29.866Z
  • DrTom solved 2023-03-12T03:37:43.831Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2023-03-12T03:55:29.541Z
  • Qmark solved 2023-03-12T05:51:08.685Z
  • rjy solved 2023-03-13T14:50:17.737Z
  • JM solved 2023-03-13T18:20:47.890Z
  • dplass solved 2023-03-16T16:29:18.388Z


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  • whimsy 2:47 · 2023-03-11T19:34:24.471Z
    Congratulations, Kay! "One small step" .... might start you on a new addiction! :) Thanks for the puzzle!
    • KayW costruttore · 2023-03-11T23:53:22.288Z
      thanks Claudia!
    • woozy 🤓10s · 2023-03-11T21:51:12.735Z
      Very nice. And elegantly simple!
      • KayW costruttore · 2023-03-11T23:53:50.365Z
        thanks for the kind words
      • Laura M 🤓1:03 · 2023-03-12T01:27:17.666Z
        Nice debut!
        • DrTom 🤓1:23 · 2023-03-12T03:39:25.100Z
          Nice debut Kay - but I know you've got a 15 x 15 in you! You've helped me polish up mine so I know you can do it!!!
          • KayW costruttore · 2023-03-12T19:36:19.759Z
            Ha. Except for the HARD part - coming up with a metanism. But thanks for the kind words and the confidence!
          • Qmark 🤓54s · 2023-03-12T05:51:49.474Z
            Thanks Kay!
            • dplass 52s · 2023-03-16T16:30:19.923Z
              I thought it was going to be SPACE-X. I just guessed the answer - is there a metanism I should have used?
              • KayW costruttore · 2023-03-16T23:29:20.720Z
                You are the second person who got that answer first. I thought I made that an acceptable answer as well, was it not accepted? Because I think it's better than my intended one - that X below the E was serendipitous. No I had absolutely no metamism. SPACE along the OUTER edges of the puzzle. I just wanted to make SOME kind of meta and that was the best I could come up with. Thanks for solving!
                • dplass 52s · 2023-03-17T13:52:20.661Z
                  I didn't guess space x, just thought it might be that.
                  • dplass 52s · 2023-03-17T13:52:47.239Z
                    OH NOW I see it...
                Walking speed
                1. 1A
                  Walking speed
                2. 5A
                  X-ray ___
                3. 6A
                  Green land
                4. 7A
                  Special Purpose Acquisition Company
                1. 1D
                  Letter add-ons
                2. 2D
                  "Edith, you're ___"
                3. 3D
                  Michael of "Juno"
                4. 4D