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Questo è un concorso/meta puzzle. Per inviare la tua risposta, prima finisci di risolvere la griglia (o rivelala se rimani bloccato o risolvi offline).
Well, that's half of it, woozy. Once you've located the 5 entries that can go with PAPER (don't forget LANTERNS), then look for alternate entries with clues that fit the new PAPER phrases (e.g. PAPERPLATES = "Items for informal dining" = TVTRAYS).
Thanks, Darth. I created this puzzle a while ago for SSS. It's possible that you tested it, and I forgot to make a note. Sorry about that!
MatthewL 🤓6:18 · 15 giorni fa
What a great puzzle. Loved the Paper Chase, which may have influenced my career choice (fortunately or unfortunately, depending on which client you ask). Thanks for the puzzle, Rick!
Thanks for solving, Wendy. Yes, I was hoping solvers would CHASE those PAPER entries along what would turn out to be a TRAIL zig-zagging across the grid. Glad you enjoyed it!
Berto 2s · 14 giorni fa
I got TRI from the across entries, and nudged to look vertically, but then the trail went cold, so to speak. Didn’t think to put Paper in front of it - even though it was the oft-used repeating of the mechanism. I guess having PAPER in the grid put me off, especially after the WSJ this week!
Thanks, Berto. The original SSS title was "The Paper Chase", but we changed it to "Legal Pursuits" when it became an MMM. I still felt we need to get PAPER and CHASE in there somewhere, so they became grid entries. Hey, if Matt G. can do it, why can't we, right?
whimsy 🤓10:21 · 14 giorni fa
I got a little boggled up since I thought you were intending rag paper to be a thing -- and that it can be made of flax which relates to retting. Or possibly newspaper rag. And the MMM symmetric with it could be 3M that makes post-it notes. When it all began to seem too convoluted, I went the alternative clues route... I mean trail. And besides, I really wanted to use SAILBOAT and LANTERNS because they made such pretty scenes in my mind. Nice, Cap'n! Thanks!
Glad you were able to get past those rabbit holes, Claudia, and follow the correct paper trail. And I thought you might like that SAILBOAT along with Paul Revere's LANTERNS.
I suspected how to get the answer ab initio but could not find the words I KNEW had to be there. It was the center word, TOWELS, that made me look again and absque hoc I would have been lost. So caveat solver when doing these because sometimes symmetry is all horizontal...but non in omnibus and in futuro I'll remember that.
You do realize that you could have almost paired with today's MOAT for a pair of legal eagles (total of 4 under par, though both were FAR above par).
Unfortunately, in my professional life, I learned a LOT of legal terms. I was frequently on one side or the other of them. But hey, any learning is good learning!
Very nice. I chased down a rabbit hole where 64D "Delivery possibility" had me looking for paper ROUTE and then the entry for that clue, SON, had me looking for a paper BOY making those deliveries. I finally got back on the trail. LANTERN was the last to fall because I don't think of them as being in the sky. Anyway, I saw the movie when it came out, and I think I may have read the book before that. I used to use a 7-second clip on the first day of my intro class -- the "skull full of mush" line. Of course, for "lawyer" I would substitute something more appropriate.
Thanks, Jay! Indeed, PAPER "ROUTE" is very close to the answer and would have fit nicely with the grid design. "PAPERLANTERNS", also known as "sky lanterns" or "Chinese lanterns" are those little paper hot-air balloons used for celebrations.