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Weekly Words Week 91

· Di Cobb County Public Library · Pubblicato 2021-12-25T05:00:55.095Z · Crosshare's Daily Mini for 12/26/2021

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  • Mike D 🤓1:02 · 2021-12-25T05:00:55.095Z
    Lovely! 🎄🎄
    • Cobb County Public Library costruttore · 2021-12-25T05:00:55.095Z
      It's always fun to fit an elegant theme into a small grid!
    • LCL 🤓4:28 · 2021-12-26T00:28:34.580Z
      I knew 1-Down, of course, but it took me a bit to figure out the rebus. Perfect! Thanks for the puzzle.
    • calica 🤓2:11 · 2021-12-26T00:16:09.037Z
      1D there's another puzzle on this site that used the same rebus so I got that part almost instantly but couldn't remember how Shakespeare spelled "crossed" and second guessed myself, heh
    • Jon 2:43 · 2021-12-26T03:33:06.429Z
      Very nicely done.
    • Joah 🤓1:24 · 2021-12-26T07:02:40.259Z
      Funny coincidence that we both made the Christmas tree and star rebus! Great minds think alike!
    • V1H 🤓6:23 · 2021-12-26T21:10:03.847Z
      Oof. I knew it was star crossed but it's been too long since I've needed a rebus.
      • Cobb County Public Library costruttore · 2021-12-27T12:09:30.112Z
        You never know what off-the-wall tricks you're going to run into on this site!
      • Joad Breslin 2:02 · 2022-01-01T04:27:55.003Z
        I didn't know how to enter the necessary character into the grid at the top, so had to do a reveal for that. Any tips would be appreciated.
        • Joad Breslin 2:02 · 2022-01-01T04:33:57.028Z
          I figured out how to enter a rebus (choose from More menu), so no longer need help with that. Cheers.
          • JeffPrug 🤓57s · 2022-01-05T07:07:27.460Z
            You can also press ESC if using a keyboard.
          • Riley Ann 🤓29s · 2022-07-05T20:19:32.102Z
            Oh my goodness this puzzle was so cute! I just about died when I realized it was a rebus. A star on top- adorable!!!
          "A pair of __ lovers take their life" (Romeo and Juliet line)
          1. 2A
            Record label for Alicia Keys and BROCKHAMPTON
          2. 4A
            Kind of table at a concert
          3. 6A
            Crucially important
          4. 8A
            Holiday suggested by this puzzle's concept
          5. 9A
            Tokyo to Yokohama dir.
          6. 10A
            Tokyo, before 1869
          1. 1D
            "A pair of __ lovers take their life" (Romeo and Juliet line)
          2. 2D
            Work on a paper, perhaps
          3. 3D
            The shorter half of a musical, usually
          4. 4D
            Soviet space station
          5. 5D
            It can be cured
          6. 6D
            Acidity scale
          7. 7D
            Western US city