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7x7 #3

· Di synced murals · Pubblicato 2023-09-28T16:01:24.105Z

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  • Lego 1:09 · 2023-09-28T18:38:30.976Z
    actually i get 1 down now, but why the "'s"?
    • Lego 1:09 · 2023-09-28T18:37:27.767Z
      all the across clues i liked, i don't understand the down clues – can you explain them?
      • Pedagogue 🤓10:14 · 2023-09-28T20:08:01.079Z
        Here's my tenpenn'orth: 3D ZIP is the definition; SC is the state; (I searched Google for state abbreviations beginning with S); TOO is a synonym of "further" and it is reversed.
        • synced murals costruttore · 2023-09-28T20:58:10.327Z
          @pedagogue is correct with parsing 3D.
          There's an 'S' in 1D because it's a contracted 'is', meaning rodent is bug - i.e. they share a definition.
          The definition of the last down clue is 'cream pastry'. One= I, learner=L, bewildered=anag., with a synonym for rush=RACE.
          Hope that makes sense, and thank you for taking the time to solve and ask questions! It's helpful to me as a fledgling constructor!
        • Pedagogue 10:53 · 2023-09-28T19:57:31.526Z
          A very entertaining cryptic. IG = Social media - sorry, don't understand. BADGER got me - it's not a rodent! RETAIL - I liked that one!
          • synced murals costruttore · 2023-09-28T20:50:05.427Z
            IG is internet slang for "Instagram", which is social media (I think this is valid, but it might be worth checking what others think).
            • synced murals costruttore · 2023-09-28T20:47:49.933Z
              Thanks again for the feedback. Noted about the badger, won't make that mistake again!
            • Iris 3:24 · 2023-09-29T06:35:02.887Z
              This was nice! Keep them coming :) The only one that confused me was 4D because I didn't see a reversal indicator for RACE i.e. rush back/ run behind but perhaps it's not needed - I still got the answer!
              • synced murals costruttore · 2023-09-29T08:29:18.166Z
                I did wonder about that, but thought it would be covered by the anagram instruction, which happens to arrange the letters backwards. Thanks for the feedback :)
              • Pedagogue 🤓10:14 · 2023-09-29T15:05:20.342Z
                About 4D I have read your parsing and also the reply by Iris. I agree that there should be a reversal indicator; conventionally, an anagram must be of the letters RACE, not a synonym. This is not intended as criticism, merely advice.
                Rodent's bug (6)
                1. 2A
                  Girl's sale is disrupted (6)
                2. 5A
                  Social media belonging to the aristocracy is dastardly (7)
                3. 6A
                  About end of market (6)
                1. 1D
                  Rodent's bug (6)
                2. 3D
                  Zip from State further back (5)
                3. 4D
                  One learner bewildered in rush for cream pastry (6)