A word of strength, a word of power, a word of crushing force. / And yet there’s some uncertainty there, as in “maybe” and not “of course”.
  1. 1A
    A word of strength, a word of power, a word of crushing force. / And yet there’s some uncertainty there, as in “maybe” and not “of course”.
  2. 4A
    He's called this 'cuz he shakes his tail -- this snake's declaration of war. / Or perhaps it's because when he shakes his tail, he scares you to the core?
  3. 5A
    Sweep up the crumbs, the dog hair, the dust – all part of our standard housekeeping. / Ah, but at one time of year – at Christmastime – these tree things I’ll also be sweeping.
  4. 6A
    Green on your cheese might cause you alarm, but not if the green comes from basil. / Cheese pizza that's slathered with this basil sauce is a delight both oral and nasal!
  1. 1D
    They cover the hands when the weather turns cool – / Or judges’ high scores for a famed science school?
  2. 2D
    The first to see Callisto, the first to see Io, / He's modern science's father. (Says so in his bio!)
  3. 3D
    Bronco’s legs are full of air. / In the back you’ll find a spare.
  4. 4D
    Do this to the stairs to reach the top floor of the house. / Do this to the clock if you’re a nursery rhyme mouse.
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