


Hey all! My name's Brad and I'm more enthusiastic than good with crosswords.
I got into doing Cryptic crosswords with some friends around mid 2021, and at the end of August decided to try set one for one of their birthday presents. The challenge in setting them seems pretty cool, so I've kept at trying to do it; and am very much learning on the job as to how they work! (Read: it took multiple grids before people told me that things like indirect anagrams weren't allowed; if you're going back through the older ones be prepared for some badness).
I hope that my little creations bring you some amount of joy similar to what I've already derived out of making them :)

A rather square cryptic

· Pubblicato 2022-06-24T03:15:43.450Z

There's some good and some bad in this grid. I really like most of the fill and some of the clues / wordplays are cute. The grid has a pretty awkward shape, but the solve is somewhat aided by a gimmick explained below. Thanks to Skaldskaparmal and…

A rather pointed cryptic

· Pubblicato 2022-05-30T23:02:00.495Z

A hoy hoy!
A bit of a smaller grid this time, and mostly easier clues. This one goes out to all my friends who tolerate me badgering them with random clues at odd hours.

A rather supportive cryptic

· Pubblicato 2022-05-16T04:09:49.717Z


A rather criminal cryptic

· Pubblicato 2022-04-21T21:15:49.171Z


A rather tangled variety cryptic (linked)

· Pubblicato 2022-02-12T01:55:54.149Z

In this grid, each across entry is linked to a down entry. The letter next to the enumeration is to link to clues and make is easier on the solver :)

The across clues all lack one letter in their wordplay that is superfluously given in the associated…

A rather tangled variety cryptic

· Pubblicato 2022-02-07T01:49:01.838Z

In this grid, each across entry is linked to a down entry.

The across clues all lack one letter in their wordplay that is superfluously given in the associated down clue. All of the down clues give a word, which need to have said letter removed and…

A rather English cryptic

· Pubblicato 2022-01-08T07:13:50.260Z


A rather vengeful cryptic

◆◆ · Pubblicato 2021-12-28T04:00:32.168Z

This isn't the most impressive grid on the block, but hopefully it's still a fun one to try ^_^
I'd like to thank those who politely told me where I should stick the original version of some of these clues.

A rather dashing cryptic

· Pubblicato 2021-12-12T09:28:23.203Z

I've taken a while to tinker away at this grid. Still learning, still experimenting; and I'd like to thank all the people who give me any feedback about what they liked / disliked.

Nov mini cryptic 13

· Pubblicato 2021-11-14T04:40:35.412Z

This Nov initiative has had a good run.
Life got in the way of my setting a grid yesterday; and the week coming's ramping up to the point where I think I need to temporarily call it here.
I hope that you've all enjoyed trying to solve these as much…

Cruciverba Più NuoviCruciverba Più Vecchi
