Here we go again, solvers, and thanks for trying your hand at my silly nonsense once more. I try to remain apolitical, but aficionados of W B Yeats may detect his influence at work in some elements of 2D.
Here's the wash-up as I see it. Comments and suggestions are gratefully accepted as I strive to do better (but it seems I still can't help my occasional Araucarian urges getting the better of me.)
ACROSS. 1A. "president" = ABE + "democrat" = D.3A. "doctor" = DR + "back at sea" = AFT.7A. removal of "right" = R from "consequently" = ERGO.8A. removal of "power" = P from "specialist" = EXPERT.9A. hidden in "absURDUndertaking".
DOWN. 1D. "commercial" = AD + outer letters of "zone" = ZE.2D. insertion of first letters of "GEorgia" = GE into "Trump wounded here" = EAR.4D. "romeo" = R + "lover, no longer" = EX.5D. First letters of "Favour Of Reform".6D. homophone of "two two".
El Gordo 42 🤓4:10 · hace 8 meses
Very good, I really liked the misleading surface read for 4D.
Playful stuff, as ever, thanks for the grid. I really liked 7A, 8A, 9A, 4D, and 6D. A few nits: the definition for 1A seems off (wouldn't it just be [sleeping]?) and I'm on the fence about [primaries] as a way to indicate the first two letters of Georgia. (I think, given the surface, I lean toward yes.) I do think I'd change the order of the two parts, though, unless you mean that the primaries are full of intensity (as opposed to Trump).