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Riddle-cryptic 2

· Por Hydrologist Guy · Publicado 2024-01-01T15:13:46.069Z

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  • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-01-01T15:14:19.836Z
    Thanks for solving!
    Broncos can live here. / For mares, that's not true. / How old is the fish? / Just cut it in two!
    1. 3A
      This word for a power source bought in a store / Could, taken loosely, mean something much more. / It could describe beaters that beat the cake mix / Prior to clean-up, prior to licks.
    2. 5A
      The musician just sits there and plucks not a string. / On and on you complain; you won't give it a miss. / You might say you're doing this on the problem – / On the fact that the artist is not doing this.
    3. 6A
      As goddess of the harvest, she was smart and insightful, / And more than a little prophetic. / They'd named her Deyard, but she changed it to this, / 'Cuz she knew the importance of thinking in metric.
    1. 1D
      Broncos can live here. / For mares, that's not true. / How old is the fish? / Just cut it in two!
    2. 2D
      Your office is bound to have me; / I'm probably right there in view. / I guess I'm an office staple. / (I've been known to hold quite a few.)
    3. 4D
      A bell sound he makes, for sound or for fun. / If a dead one of these, you look like someone.