To listen you're not inclined, / But you listen, 'cuz you're not unkind. / On things that don't matter, / He'll spew his dull chatter. / It all brings this element to mind.
  1. 1A
    To listen you're not inclined, / But you listen, 'cuz you're not unkind. / On things that don't matter, / He'll spew his dull chatter. / It all brings this element to mind.
  2. 4A
    W in front: when weather won't "behave". / N at the end: a student trainee slave. / It sounds like the twin / Of a word for "go in". / And something DOES go in -- into the grave!
  3. 5A
    Per an idiom that I find most curious, / This at your mouth means you're furious. / But if it's literally there / (Say, a white mustache you bear), / You just drank some beer. How luxurious!
  1. 1D
    If your speech is this, there'll be space for it. / The underwear drawer is one place for it. / The first four are cheese, / But the whole (if you please), / Well, you certainly can make a case for it!
  2. 2D
    Hamlet's good friend once did yell / His own name while deep in a dell. / The echo he heard / Was this useful math word / A word of proportion. (Do tell!)
  3. 3D
    The map on my wall seems to show / That this lies above, not below. / You'll see on reflection / It's a cardinal direction / That Santa, when home, cannot go.
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