You'll be punished by the pun police if, when someone names this nut, / You blurt out "Someone your own size!" The case would be open and shut.
  1. 1A
    You'll be punished by the pun police if, when someone names this nut, / You blurt out "Someone your own size!" The case would be open and shut.
  2. 4A
    I'm being partly self-effacing when I tell you that, in tennis, / Through my serve alone I'm scoring the point. (On the court I am a menace!) / Or that I'm getting all the questions right on every test. / So am I partly self-effacing? I'll answer this way: Yes!
  3. 5A
    It's an elliptical journey of considerable distance. You take the trip and then / After a year, from the very same spot, you travel the path again.
  1. 1D
    This musical instrument has dignity -- a history long and proud. / 'Twould be a musical paradox, though, if you played on it quite loud.
  2. 2D
    You see that fellow over there? The one who's nicknamed "C"? (That's him!) / It's strange, but he'd do this and he'd look like this if he went out on a limb.
  3. 3D
    Half your life is spent in this -- the darker half, it's true. / It doesn't last forever, though -- that truth will dawn on you!
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