8A is fantastic, exactly what I'm looking for in a clue. I also got a chuckle out of 5D (for all us non-sportsball people), and I think 7A and 9A have nice misdirects for a double-def and hidden, respectively, two clue types in which it's generally hard to do so!
Greetings solvers, and thanks for stopping by. I'm a little rushed for time right now, so here's a quick wash-up for the perplexed:
ACROSS. 1A. "putting an end to salt" = T + corrosion = RUST.4A. "Topped and tailed" = remove first and last letters + "flipping" = reversal of "unconscious" = ASLEEP.7A. "was a part of Occupy protests" = SAT IN.8A. "First surprising" = S + reversal of "chart" = MAP.9A. Hidden in "texASSETtlements".
DOWN. 1D. "in the direction of" = TO + "steamer" = SS.2D. anag. PEARS.3D. "Summer's first" = S + "fruit" = LIME.5D. Double def.6D. Upward reversal of "weights" = TONS.