Hi solvers! Thanks as always for checking my puzzle out, I hope you enjoyed it. Do let me know how you got on!
The wash-up is as follows:
ACROSS. 1A. Four definitions: grab hold of / prize ('a real catch') / contract (illness, infection) / difficulty.5A. Homophone of line = ROW.6A. Containment of love = O in member = ARM, + A.8A. Double def.9A. Charged = SUED + electronic = E.
DOWN. 1D. Containment of "sign of aggression by Russia" = Z in "vehicles" = CARS.2D. Odd letters of "AVIARY".3D. Concealed in INTROVERT.4D. Remove last letter of "bliss" = HEAVEN.7D. Containment of "universal" = U in "doctor" = MD.
merlinnimue 6:37 · hace más de 1 año
5a caught me up, i was thinking to cue is to egg someone on, but i shouldve known something up when verb tense didn't match
using Z as sign of aggression for russia? wowwowwow mindblowingly amazing