Hello, solvers, and thank you for joining me once more in the commentary box. I hope you enjoyed the puzzle - I think it's a little easier and more approachable than most of my others (but we'll see!)
If you enjoyed it - or even if you didn't - in a few weeks I'll be abseiling down the iconic Forth Bridge in aid of Sense Scotland, a wonderful charity working with people who have complex sensory disabilities. If you can, your generosity would be truly amazing - life-changing.
ACROSS. 1A. remove first letter from "ale, maybe" = BOOZE.5A3D. "Forthright" = FRANK + "father" = PA containing "fire" = ZAP.7A. Hidden in "parTYPOlitics".8A. Mark = X contained by anag. PEEL.9A. Shortening of "count" = TALLY.
DOWN. 1D. Remove first letter of "melt" = SOFTEN.2D. Anag. ROY + "Twitter, no longer" = X.4D. Homophone of "boat race" = SCULL.6D. "New" = N + reversal of "star sign" = LEO.
As always, let me know how you got on below, and feel free to whack the above to give a quick like. Peace & love x
El Gordo 42 🤓5:17 · hace 6 meses
That was a fun one! I laughed out loud at 7A and 9A.