Sorry to nitpick, but only - is an ANODE. + is a cathode. I'm loving these puzzles though! Do you have any plans if/when you've used every central letter?
Oh my goodness! My physics teacher would be so disappointed. Thankyou for the nitpick!
By my calculations, at 3 puzzles a week, I'll be done by early December.
Maxish 🤓56s · hace más de 2 años
God, I hate to be that person, but cathodes and anodes are defined by the direction of current flow, not the voltage polarity (what + and - usually denote) of the terminal. The same physical terminal will switch roles depending on which way the current is flowing (e.g., a rechargeable battery). That's why you always see ANODE clued as a terminal, but never which terminal. Again, I am SO sorry . Your grids are great!
If you got your start in electronics back in the vacuum tube days, you think about them first, not battery terminals, when you see 'cathode' and 'anode'. We didn't have no diodes back then, just Fleming valves.
I appreciate the correction and the comment :)