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Riddle-cryptic 37

· Por Hydrologist Guy · Publicado 2024-06-04T21:46:10.714Z

Constructor's Note
The nerd in me wants so much for the equation indicated in 1-Across to be the actual source of the word itself!
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  • An Ephemeral Collation 🤓1:02 · 2024-06-05T15:46:21.716Z
    Well done!
    • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-06-05T19:39:43.040Z
      Thanks! I always appreciate the feedback!
    Let Z be the radius of this round restaurant food. As usual, use A for the area's notation. / With an equal sign placed in front of the A, the food spells the proper equation!
    1. 1A
      Let Z be the radius of this round restaurant food. As usual, use A for the area's notation. / With an equal sign placed in front of the A, the food spells the proper equation!
    2. 4A
      The "ice" kind works on a windshield; the "paint" kind works on a wall. / The "sky" kind works on the sky, I guess. (So the building had better be tall!)
    3. 5A
      Could this sugar that is measured in one with diabetes / Be a pet name for your chemist spouse in lieu of "Hon'" or "Sweeties"?
    4. 6A
      When I announced to the kitchen that we were out of this, someone said, "Hey! Put your worries on ice!" / They added, "We still have an hour!" to which I said, "No -- I meant that we're out of a spice!"
    1. 1D
      This word means to say, under oath, something that's simply untrue. / Curiously, the word's second part is who the lying is to.
    2. 2D
      "XYZ" can mean "Examine your zipper!" If someone says this to you, well, then you'd better! / "XYZ" can thus be thought of as this (though it's distinct from this thing used to address a letter).
    3. 3D
      This raptor's nest, up on a cliff, situated ever so high, / Sounds like a description of the nest itself, what with winds there that keep rushing by.
    4. 4D
      If something is "out of" this, it means that it can't be seen. / Back in the day, if it was "outta" this, it meant it was super keen!