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🔐✝️#️⃣ Emoji Only Cryptic Crossnumber #1

· Por The Noah · Publicado 2024-07-11T16:42:14.437Z

Constructor's Note
First ever emoji cryptic crossnumber. All clues are given with emojis. Quotes indicate [Definition “Wordplay indicator and fodder”] in every clue. Some emoji representing prepositions or wordplay are a stretch. Some entries have numbers in place of a syllable (e.g. 2NIC for “tunic”). If you get stuck, copy and paste emojis into google to see what they are. I tried to use the unicode name of emoji as often as possible.
Comprobando datos de juego anteriores…


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  • The Noah constructor · 2024-07-11T16:55:23.076Z
    Explanations: 1A: uncomfortably scratch;pITCH-p(“1st pill”)5A: polyamorous relationship half of POLYgons7A: B (“1st baby” + RIDE8A: Hear son9A: Registered Nurse; RN is Right Now in a text10A: SKATES a roller skate and an ice skate; 8 hides in SK[i]S - i (“eye”)2D: donut shape; hear “taurus”3D: clinking glasses; behind (“sun behind clouds”) bars (“cellular bars plus police vehicle for context”)4D: HYDRATE thirsty with drink becomes satisfyied; HY (“hear hi”) + DR + 86D: Even letters (or positions 2,4,6,and 8) in sHeEp NeSt
    • dilly 🤓7:11 · 2024-07-11T20:07:21.602Z
      Lol, next month it’s gonna be “Emoji Only Cryptic Before & After 1-2-3 Double Plusnumber (Meta)”. This was surprisingly doable though, thanks!
      • The Noah constructor · 2024-07-11T21:19:39.045Z
      • SamuRai 10:40 · 2024-07-11T23:24:33.535Z
        Not bad at all, even for a GenXer who knows all of 6 emoji's. Turned on Autocheck to be certain I was on the right track but otherwise it was completely doable! 👏
        • The Noah constructor · 2024-07-12T00:55:20.823Z
        • LiterallyJustHaven 🤓7:30 · 2024-07-12T17:39:09.089Z
          Wonderful job love. Never would have been able to solve it without your help though. I'm glad you have found a creative outlet that you truly enjoy. 🥰
          • The Noah constructor · 2024-07-12T18:59:17.517Z
            🥰 🫂 😘. 👁️ ❤️ 🐑.
            🙏🏻🫵 4️⃣👷‍♀️🧩!
          • Ewoly 🤓2:34 · 2024-07-12T17:54:27.203Z
            How. How is the first cryptic puzzle I solve without assistance be a crossnumber emoji puzzle. You really outdid yourself here. Great great puzzle!
            • The Noah constructor · 2024-07-12T18:56:30.701Z
              🙏🏻➕👏! 🫵🎓, 🧠 🤓!
            1. 1A
            2. 5A
            3. 7A
            4. 8A
            5. 9A
            6. 10A
            1. 2D
              🍩👂 ♉️
            2. 3D
            3. 4D
            4. 5D
            5. 6D