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Micro 8: "Animal, 'Pi', featured in film"

· Por catachresis · Publicado 2024-01-02T08:26:32.036Z
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  • catachresis constructor · 2024-01-02T08:34:48.443Z
    Thank you, as always, for your kind attention. My partner and test-solver is asleep right now, so apologies for any unfairnesses.
    1A: dd. "Stick"; "Keep playing baseball?" (i.e. BAT ON, in the way of "trudge on)
    4A: "Excited"; CAMPED ("Stayed the night outside") minus the first letter ("without a hat")
    5A: dd. "Game"; "Sprints"
    1D: "Weave together"; BRA ("lingerie") + ID ("unconscious desire")
    2D: "Animal"; PI ("Pi") in TAR ("film"). I hope "Tar" is enough in the public consciousness for this clue to be enjoyable, because without it this poor animal would have to be stuck in pitch!)
    3D: "Lumps"; NODS ("Agrees"), "taking" E ("estrogen")
    • merlinnimue 🤓3:52 · 2024-01-02T14:07:32.837Z
      Tough stuff, thanks
      • ObscureFox 🤓3:59 · 2024-01-02T14:45:15.479Z
        Fun puzzle. This felt like a good mix of clues. An easier clue in 1a to get started into the others. Thanks!
        • Oliver Hardy 7:55 · 2024-01-02T18:29:25.893Z
          Thank you for an entertaining, though challenging, puzzle.
          1D Delightful clue with unusual surface reading.
          1A Very nice, but I would have preferred "cricket" 😁
          2D I was not aware of the film TÁR. I thought LAN would fit to get LAPIN but, of course, I was way off.
          4A I got AMPED from the word play but it isn't a word in this elderly Brit's vocabulary.
          • Mihir 1:13 · 2024-01-03T15:55:29.351Z
            Enjoyed it. 2D has a nice surface! cleverly misleading, had this not been a cryptic crossword.
            Keep playing baseball with stick? (5)
            1. 1A
              Keep playing baseball with stick? (5)
            2. 4A
              Stayed the night outside without a hat, excited (5)
            3. 5A
              Game sprints (5)
            1. 1D
              Weave together lingerie and unconscious desire (5)
            2. 2D
              Animal, "Pi", featured in film (5)
            3. 3D
              Agrees, taking estrogen to get lumps (5)