Hint #1: The meta answer is an 8-letter noun. (cscxwords-at-gmail-dot-com)
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The meta answer is SURPRISE (Hint #1: Find an 8-letter word. More on hint #2 later.)
Yes, this had 2 hints--and hint #2 was key to solving hint #1.
3 answers spelled out "ASK BY EMAIL TO GET THE SECOND HINT." You had to ask me for hint #2 by using my email address, which was listed after hint #1 with no explanation. (I also added a version of the email to the meta tags for extra fun, though not sure that mattered. Moving on!)
Those who asked me via email got a link to a Cameo video containing hint #2.
(Cameo.com is an app/website for requesting personalized celebrity messages.)
Playing off of the puzzle's title, "Special Guest Star," the video "starred" actor John de Lancie, who played the role of Q on "Star Trek: The Next Generation." (Watch the Cameo video at tinyurl.com/metahint2)
Why him? The puzzle has exactly 4 Qs. In the video, he says hint #2:
"IQ, two Q, three Q, four: what lies below and before?"
Per hint #2, you were to find the letters below and before the puzzle's Qs, which spell SURPRISE--which is both the meta answer and what a special guest star in a cameo role often is. (MANY thanks to Mr. de Lancie!)
Glad you liked it! A relatively easy meta, I think--I had the idea for the gimmick I use for the 2nd hint and thought, "No way this guy will go for it." He actually said it wrong, but in a way that still worked. Can you guess maybe what he was supposed to have said?
This was originally the kickoff to a six-part year-long meta contest I did for my hometown's arts-and-entertainment magazine, and I wanted to kick it off with a bang. So glad it worked out. Thanks again!
rjy 🤓15:50 · hace 4 meses
I’m assuming 1 (one) Q, rather than IQ?
Meg 5s · hace 4 meses
OMG! He's the guy who plays Q! Well done! I checked before, after, above and below, but I was looking at QU. That was a fun solve! Somewhere on the forum is the cameo by Ted Lange, who plays Isaac on the Love Boat. Muggles have a close relationship with Isaac. Anyway, thanks for a great puzzle!
Enjoyed it. I've been spoiled by the Muggles, Gaffney and WSJ metas where the answer is in GRID order. I was able to figure out SURPRISE (my WAG was going to be QUESTION for the 4 QU's which I KNOW are hard to fit into a puzzle) but since I had the second hint I used it and glad I did. I did not recognize de Lancie as Q until you mentioned it and then I said "of course!!!" but yes I figured he was supposed to say 1 Q, 2 Qs, 3 Qs, 4 ... and saw the 1 as an I. Nice fill, though RAGEQUIT was a new one on me and neither MADTHROW or TIPBOARD fit .
Cheers! The audience this was made for is mixed--many didn't know what metas were, many did but were new to them, and some did them quite a lot. I suspected if anyone spied the 4 Qs early on they might have figured it out ... but mostly, I wanted to just see if I could figure out a novel way to add a surprise of a celebrity giving a clue in the mix... thanks to the advent of Cameo.com! (I swear, I don't work for them--ha!) Thanks again.
MatthewL 🤓5:44 · hace 3 meses
Very fun and clever! I saw all the Qs in the grid and figured that had something to do with it, and then upon watching the video, immediately recognized Q himself! Thanks for the surprise guest appearance.
Thanks, this was a super fun one to pull off. I can't believe I managed to shoehorn a pretty complicated request for Mr. de Lancie to read that clue (which had to fit in the length-restricted message window no less!). It all hinged on if he'd accept, and then if he'd say it correctly. (He didn't actually, he was supposed to say 1Q, not "IQ", but it worked out all the same.) Thanks again!
Very fun! I'm not sure what was more special — the fact that I solved a meta (albeit with all the hints) or that there was a significant celebrity factor! (He is definitely most familiar to me as Q — from the TNG appearances, as I never really got into the other ST shows where Q made an appearance — and so it was surprising but welcome when I saw him in Breaking Bad.)
Thanks! The genesis for this was having the idea "Could I somehow work a Cameo video into this?" and while I was browsing by genre or show titles, I saw Mr. de Lancie, and thought "He literally played a character whose name was a letter--surely I can craft a puzzle around that!"