This is a pretty obviously-themed cryptic where I've tried to keep (most of) the clues quite simple. I'm hoping it will be solvable for cryptic beginners - although it's always hard to tell how easy a puzzle is when it's your own work!
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jasonwestleyconstructor · hace alrededor de 3 años
Perfect! Now I'm wondering how annoying it would be (for compiler and solver) to write a Star Wars themed puzzle only using Yoda's speech patterns in the clues.
fun puzzle - beginner here for cryptics and got through most of the puzzle... i like your thoughtful clues!! is there a list of explanations for them? i am stuck on UPDATED
Hi Philip. Glad you enjoyed it. Looking back at that clue now, I'm not 100% happy with it. Happy=UP Time=DATE Democrat=D. I'm not sure that time and date are good enough synonyms.