Imprimir crucigrama
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The biggest city in its state, not far from the ocean blue. / (Don't focus on a single state; this clue works for two.)
  1. 1A
    The biggest city in its state, not far from the ocean blue. / (Don't focus on a single state; this clue works for two.)
  2. 6A
    Clue 1: Wanting things to move along; tired of delay. / Clue 2: When your doctor says, "I'm doctor!", you might respond this way.
  3. 7A
    You consider just one viewpoint when you're arguing some issue -- your arguments are this; your worldview perhaps small. / (It's a word to describe a lean-to as well, one that has but a single wall.)
  1. 1D
    It's what you feel when you get hurt -- not just an ache, but more. / As two words: when your dad's at home, this sign's upon his door?
  2. 2D
    The first three serve as a wish for the dead. The last three are used when there's something to sign. / The whole? What you want a tomato to do as it sits there on the vine.
  3. 3D
    The pilot used his flexible legs to assume this yoga pose. / Indeed you'll spot this yoga flower if you study this clue up close.
  4. 4D
    "Limitless" expressed in two simple words. Another clue here I'll append: / It describes the words "imp" and "off"" compared to "impend" and "offend".
  5. 5D
    This male on a ranch with prized DNA? You could say it's the students, when you take half away!
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