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Cryptic 11x11 #2 by tuber

· Por tuber · Publicado 2023-12-22T12:16:56.032Z

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  • tuber constructor · 2023-12-22T12:33:38.006Z
    Only my third puzzle at this size? I find that surprising. Quite a lot of clues of the form "anagram with insertion" this time around, so apologies for any sense of sameness experienced, it's just whatever seems right. Other than that - I've been off working on other things, so just waiting for the crossword bug to bite me once again and I'll start putting more puzzles out.
    Time for the wash-up:
    ACROSS. 1A. Containment of "revenue initially" = R in anag. "English" = E + TAX. 4A. Anag. "British" = B + BAKE. 7A. "Pill" = E + reversal of "headed" = LED, contained in "Mentalist" = PSYCHIC. 8A. "Oscar" = O contained in anag. KEELS + "over" = O. 10A. Double def. 11A. Hidden in "yoGAStudio" 12A. Anag. CUBIST + "one" = I. 14A. "Irrational figure" = PI contained in anag. ANOONTIDE. 16A. Remove last letter from "bubbles" = LATHER. 17A. "Criticize" = PAN + outer letters of "stringy" = SY.
    DOWN. 1D. "Former" = EX + "student" = L after "training" = PE. 2D. Homophone of "seamstress" = "tailor" + "fast-working" = SWIFT. 3D. Anag. HAS. 4D. Reversal of 10A = NEY in "issue" = KIDS. 5D. Cryptic def. 6D. "Impose restrictions upon" = BAN, inserting "CO" = company. 9D. "Green" = LIME, "boat" = SUB goes first. 11D. "Become" = GROW + "large" = L. 13D. "addressed for" = TO + "Doris, perhaps" = DAY. 15D. Double def.
    • Oliver Hardy 19:17 · 2023-12-22T18:05:17.391Z
      Thanks! Your advice, please; is it generally accepted to include abbreviations in anagram fodder, as in 4A?
      • tuber constructor · 2023-12-22T23:48:46.720Z
        "Yes," he said, but somewhat hesitantly and with shifty eyes...
        This isn't a professional source, but says "the partial use of abbreviations [is] a practice normally considered fair in moderation," which I think reflects my experiences as a solver pretty well. When setting, though, I do consciously try to avoid this practice, and indeed I looked for better alternatives for 4A and 8A but without much success.
        My personal compromise stance on this is to use only the most straightforward abbreviations where a single word stands in for a single (initial) letter.
        • Oliver Hardy 19:17 · 2023-12-23T07:04:32.580Z
          Many thanks for the reply and the link.
    • Hector 🤓17:31 · 2023-12-22T17:21:03.616Z
      Very enjoyable, thank you! I'm very slowly catching onto cryptic conventions and Britishisms, and had to google "student L cryptics", to discover that in the UK there is a license plate with a big "L" for a newly-licensed ("learner") driver.
      • tuber constructor · 2023-12-22T23:57:40.807Z
        Thanks! Glad you liked it.
      • merlinnimue 🤓10:08 · 2023-12-22T19:32:09.219Z
        Got got by 4a (for a long time I had babke, got fooled by the surface, and thought it mightve been an alternate spelling) and 7a (could not find a parse on my own)... thanks anyway for your great puzzles, sorry for the inconvenience
        • kieranjboyd 🤓7:19 · 2023-12-23T04:06:41.561Z
          Fun! I quite liked the clues for KEBAB and GROWL. Could've submitted for the recent midi contest with 2D!
          • metagloria 🤓9:11 · 2023-12-23T18:05:42.533Z
            Very enjoyable! Keep up the good setting :)
            • ObscureFox 27:16 · 2023-12-23T19:49:51.920Z
              Fun, thanks for sharing
              Surplus revenue initially held in English tax arrangement (5)
              1. 1A
                Surplus revenue initially held in English tax arrangement (5)
              2. 4A
                "British Bake-Off" dish (5)
              3. 7A
                Druggy mentalist takes pill, headed back (11)
              4. 8A
                Drunkenly keels over, clutching Oscar at viewing (4-3)
              5. 10A
                Hankering for money (3)
              6. 11A
                Yoga studio stages entertaining event (3)
              7. 12A
                Cubist movement including one that gets baked (7)
              8. 14A
                Inflexible, irrational figure in a noontide fiasco (11)
              9. 16A
                Never-ending bubbles from machine in shop (5)
              10. 17A
                Criticize "hollow, stringy" bloomer (5)
              1. 1D
                Reject former student after training (5)
              2. 2D
                She's a star seamstress, we hear, and fast-working too (6, 5)
              3. 3D
                Tree has fallen (3)
              4. 4D
                10A turns up in issue with offal (7)
              5. 5D
                Where one's ancestral lineage once was severed? (5, 6)
              6. 6D
                Impose restrictions upon company's imported meat (5)
              7. 9D
                Glorious green boat goes first (7)
              8. 11D
                Become large and make angry noises (5)
              9. 13D
                Present addressed for Doris, perhaps? (5)
              10. 15D
                Drop off pile of carpets (3)